Born Again Christian Believer Ministry


FatherGod, we ask that You bless those who have made a helpful and significant influence on us.

Show us those You would have us influence for Your Kingdom - during this time we are on earth, so that it will count for eternity. Give us divine opportunities and occasions to help others in their walk with You. Equip us to be the encourager You want us to be. May Holy Spirit give us wisdom, understanding, strength and counsel to carry out each assignment from You.

Lord, help us look for opportunities to encourage others, to reach and teach those whom You show us need a touch from You. We desire to be Your hands and feet, speaking hope and victory, and helping those You give us, become all You intended them to be. We ask in the name of Jesus, Amen

Our decree:

We will move out of our comfort zone, being careful to listen to Holy Spirit and minister

Your Love to others.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Jesus Love, God's Eternal Love, Joy.

Hope - Peace - Rest - Gods Eternal Security 

He came to earth the promise to fulfill. The cruel cross to bare on Calvaries hill. He was born to die that we might live.

This is the Statement of Faith of the Born Again Christian Believer Ministry.

The Only One True Gospel Of Jesus Christ.  NOT doctrine's of man but of the Holy scripture's. Each and every Born Again Christian Believer is a minister to minister in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Anointed of God Not ordained by man!

2nd Corinthians 3:6

1st. Cor. 1:18, 2nd. Cor. 5:17-21

Born Again Christian Believer

You Must Be Born Again

John 3:3 - 3:7

Romans 5:1 All scripture KJV/NKJV Holy Bible
Born John 3:3
Again John 3:7
Christian John 10:27
Believer John 3:16
Ministry 1 Cor. 1:18 | 2 Cor. 5:17-21
LLC Natural / Carnal Mind Set Protection


One must be born again spiritually into a personal relationship with God the Holy Spirit.
 John 3:3,7 KJV/NKJV Holy Bible 
For God so loved the world (Creation) God gave (Gods Spirit came in flesh)
 His only Begotten Son (Jesus) that who so ever believeth (Sincerely) in Him (Jesus) shall (Will) not perish 
(lake of fire when earth is destroyed - HELL)
 But have everlasting life (in Gods eternity - Heaven).
John 3: 16 nkjv/kjv Holy Bible  
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe with your heart 
that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved, for with the heart one 
 believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10: 9 -10 NKJV/KJV Holy Bible
Minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV/NKJV Holy Bible
It is written: Bare one another's burdens and so fulfill the commandment of Jesus Christ.
 Galatians 6:2 KJV/NKJV Holy Bible. 
Now and only now one is a born again Christian believer and acceptable into Gods eternity.

Raymen Starkka  


God is calling! 

   Turn around (confess to God) Turn around (repent to God) from a life of wasted years. 

God is calling!

   Accept Jesus Christ (the Gospel of Jesus Christ) Redemption by Christ's shed blood.

World Wide Web MASS MEDIA evangelism.

         Born Again Christian Believer Ministry 

 Jesus came to earth the promise to fulfill. The rugged cross HE bore on Calvaries Hill. Born to die.

that we might live!

                 John 3:3 - 7 -16, Romans 10:9 - 10 KJV Holy Bible


Come, Let Us Reason (Isaiah 1:18) and Minister (2 Corinthians 3: 6) Together.

Born Again Christian Believer Ministry

14439 W. Summerstar Dr.

Sun City West, AZ 85375

Each and Every Born Again Christian Believer is a Minister.
To minister for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Saved by God's Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ (yielded/surrendered/committed/obedient)
Unconfessed/Unrepented/Willful/Known SIN is Unforgiven SIN.

Minister with Us

Born Again Christian Believer Ministry
Biblical New Testament (Covenant) Discernment
SINS of Human Rights Abuse and Corruption (Published Book)

Born Again Christian Believer Ministry*

Not affiliated with World System ritualistic counterfeit Religion, christian is one of many world system religions and helps many to live a better life.

Alcoholics Anonomyous (AA) helps many to live a sober life. Only Born Again Christian Believer Faith God accepts to enter into eternal life.

John 3: 3,7,16 Holy Bible KJV/NKJV.

You are a FOOL if you argue with the scriptures and God.

Proverbs 18:2 kjv Holy Bible.

Righting Wrong / Bringing Truth to Light

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

John 8:32 NKJV Holy Bible

Today we have modern-day scammers and blasphemers, fleecing emotional people out of money and property. Promising an easy way to heaven, unconditional eternal security (cheap Grace), and preaching the Old Testament teaching of paying the 10% tithe in their movements.

The requirement to pay tithe is Old Testament scripture and is not required today as we now live in the New Testament. New Testament scripture teaches to give as one purposes 'freely'.


Christian In Name Only.

Spiritual Faith Vs. Humanistic Religion

 John 3:3-16+ | Ephesians 4:13-14+

It is not this ministries' intention to attack or offend anyone but to expose them so God will convict to confession and repentance.

I was asked by a man (an Atheist), who I consider my dear friend what church I belong to and what church I was brought up in. I was asked also of his wife (an Atheist), after a prolonged absence, "do you still believe in God"? I have sincere respect for these folks for their honesty. They do not believe in God and they do not pretend they believe. This now 92-year-old man once told me, I have been involved in four Christian religious doctrines and, "I would like to believe but I just can't. I've read where Jesus Christ was a religious fanatic and that's why he was killed. I believe religion is a form of insanity". What can I say to these dear folks other than live my life as a believer and conversing my faith with them? (Update: My 92-year-old atheist friend died today, November 14, 2016. He would have been 93 next February 24th. He died an unbeliever. "Peril of Unbelief" Hebrews 3:15, John 3:16.)  

So what is my answer to these questions?

The Holy Bible - KJV, the written word in scripture, the miracle of life (seen and unseen - heavens and the earth) is my answer! Jesus Christ was a crazy religious lunatic OR Jesus Christ IS who the scriptures proclaim, God with us! I believe the Old Testament while relevant as history and prophecy, to be edification of creation and early life and teaching, old covenant (much can be applied to present day living) however, rightly dividing the scriptures (word of God) today we are to live in the New Testament scriptures, new covenant . Jesus often said, "you have heard of old times but I say unto you........" Jesus addressed nine of the ten commandments by strengthening them. The commandment "Remember the Sabbath etc." He did not address however, he said, "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another"...John 13:34. Jesus followed Old Testament scripture as he lived in those times. When Jesus Christ was crucified and died on the cruel cross he said "It is finished" The Vail was rent from top to bottom! The law (Old Testament-covenant) was fulfilled. When Jesus Christ rose and ascended to heaven we now live in the New Testament. Jesus said the comforter "Gods Holy Spirit" will come and so it is today for "Born Again Believers". Recorded in scripture (John chapter three verse three), "You must be Born Again", eternity with God. Also recorded in scripture (John chapter three verse three), the consequence of not being "Born Again" which is separation from God in eternity. Born of water (physical birth) born of the spirit (Spiritual rebirth). Rebirth, a spiritual awakening to an understanding and communion with God. This then comes about through confession and repentance to God, accepting the precious Holy Blood of God (Christ) on the cross as forgiveness for an individual's - 'my' sin. This then becomes a personal matter, a personal relationship. The cross did not save, Christ on the cross and only the Christ on the cross and Holy shed Blood is sufficient to save and does' save. Who so ever believeth in God (Christ) shall not parish (when the earth is destroyed by fire, HELL ) but have everlasting, eternal life (John chapter three verse sixteen). For by Grace (the grace of God) we are saved through faith (Romans chapter five verse one) NOT RELIGION! Repentance also includes asking forgiveness from those (individuals) one has wronged (this is sin) Matthew 5:22-24. This is most often not stressed by religious leaders. Note also that should the individual you ask forgiveness from refuse to forgive you then God forgives you, you are forgiven, Matthew 18:15-18. In this world today there is so much religion. There are many religious people in the world, in the pews of denominations and yes, there are many religious preachers in pulpits, pastors engaging in sexual activities with other men's wives, and homosexual behavior (in church). Church pastors engaged with prostitutes (Jimmy Swaggart). A survey taken revealed over half of the pastors had pornography on their computers. Priests molesting young boys, impregnating women (other men's wives), the hierarchy condoning and covering this up. These are serious offenses; Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2. This hurts the cause of Christ. So to my Atheist friends' question, I must say "I belong to NO religion". Many, many religions (religious, denominations and doctrines) to choose from. Many call their movements "Christian" but they are ritualistic religious movements only, creating their own titles such as, Assembly of God, Baptist, Bible / community churches (so-called), Catholic (many diocese), Church of Christ (several versions), Church of God, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (actually Mormon followers), Church of the Nazarene, Jehovah's Witnesses, Lutheran (several synods), Methodist - Wesleyns, Seventh-day Adventist - whitens, television preachers, (many yet thankfully not all) have become millionaires (Jim and Tammy Faye Baker) with their talent of persuasive speech and by exploiting the faith and beliefs of their listeners, on and on and on..... There are those who doctor shop for pain medicine (relief), there are those who doctrine shop for guilt (relief). However, there is only one remedy (Jesus Christ and him crucified.) So many want to play lead guitar behind Jesus (Jesus has many fans) yet want to be the leader of their own band. RELIGION! Again RELIGION, pacifies people with humanistic psychology mixed with scripture taken out of context. "Pacifier" going through the motions but receiving nothing of substance (sustenance). Nowhere in scripture is it written one is saved by religion. There is ONLY one Church which is "Born Again Believer's" (John Chapter 3). "the Bride of Christ". One must be in association with God (Christ) in this Church. Be not deceived, God is not mocked. What one sews one will reap.

Galatians 6:7-8

  • Been or/are abused by dishonest clergy, your denominational teaching? Stop Clergy Abuse!
  • Believe you are/or have been instructed wrongly, false-misleading, self-serving, eternal security teaching? There is no such scriptural doctrine as unconditional eternal security, once in the covenant of Grace always in the covenant of Grace. A person can sin out of the covenant of Grace and be lost eternally. MATTHEW 24:13 -14 EZEKIEL 18:24 HEBREWS 6:4-6, 10:26-29. SECOND PETER 2:21,22, GALATIONS 6:7. God secures born-again believers in eternal security, continuing in "surrendered & committed" faith. Abide in Me... JOHN 15:4-14. Known, unconfessed, unrepentant sin IS unforgiven sin! To a Christian and/or non-believer! Belief in Jesus Christ is surrendering, yielding, obeying and following Jesus. Read first, second and third Epistle of John.
  • Difference between born into a physical (natural) family, No Choice! Born Again into spiritual (faith) family, Choice! God in love, creates each one with a free will, accept or reject. God never removes this free will.
  • Often the elderly are spiritually and financially manipulated as the end of life nears (Elder Abuse). Stop Clergy Abuse!
  • Many denominations pick and choose old testament scriptures to further their own agenda. One being tithing (10%). A preacher once told me "You are obligated to pay your tithe, we will fight over the money"! WRONG! We are to be good stewards, 2nd Corinthians: 9:7 Everyone, according to purpose in one's heart, so let one give. Not grudgingly or of necessity.

For God loves a cheerful giver. New Testament.
In the early church there was joy and sound doctrine, but false prophets - spiritual con artists - soon arose, like those we have today. In his second letter, Peter calls them "sick dogs and dirty hogs" (Chapter 2; 22), hucksters of the Gospel. Stop Clergy Abuse!

Ponder These Scriptures

Holy Bible and Rosary
  • For what shall it profit a man (woman) to gain the whole world (material things / personal status) and lose his (her) soul. Gospel of Mark 8:36.
  • For the wages of sin is death; God's gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Book of Romans 6:23.
  • must be born again (spiritually), John 3:7. Then begin walking (living) in newness of life. Book of Romans 6:4
  • Religion; Ritualistic make believe. Mind over matter. A form of Godliness, however denying the power of God. Religious Denominations Dominate with their own Humanistic Doctrine. Self-serving religion = Dead Faith.
  • Faith; Trust in God. Commitment! Gods in control - Rest in God! Surrender to Gods Will according to scripture. Rightly dividing old and new testaments. Yielded believing = Living Christianity
  • Important to realize; One's religious organization (Denomination), parents or anyone else's religion will not save. One must have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, One on One.
  • Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because straight is the gate, narrow is that way, which leadth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13 & 14
  • Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord Isaiah 1:18.
  • I believe there are Born Again Christian Believers in many christian denominations. Living sincere faith fruitfully for the cause of Christ. Matthew 7:13-29. First Timothy 4:1-2.

My Personal Testimony

I believe in God (Creator Of All Seen and Unseen). I accept and embrace Jesus Christ (God With Us) as Savior of my soul. I surrender (Yield) myself to the Holy Spirit (God In Us). I sense God's guiding and directing constantly. My hope (Salvation) is built on nothing less than Jesus (Gods) blood and righteousness. I dare not (will not) trust the sweetest frame (gifted speakers, singers, musicians, and man-made temples) but holy lean on Jesus Name (Christ). It is written, there is no Salvation (None) outside the cross of Christ. At the cross at the cross where one finds the light! (Spiritual Rebirth!) It is written in Holy scripture, KJV- 2nd Timothy Chapter Three Verses 1-5, In the last days people will become (more openly) very sinful and so it is now! Lovers after their own selves (flesh-homosexuality), lying, cheating and condoning dishonesty etc. Choose this day (Now) who you will follow, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 2. I follow the Lord Jesus Christ. In doing so I, have been and (am) redeemed for eternity in Heaven with God. But it is written (Isa. 64:4), Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for them who love God, first Corinthians 2:19. I love God! - Raymen

Question to You Dear Reader..

Have you planned for the outcome of your body after it dies?

Have you planned for the outcome of your spirit (Soul) after it passes away from your dead body?

It is appointed unto man/woman once to die, then the fair and just judgment of God, Hebrews: 9:27. 

God has provided eternal life (Only) through Jesus Christ, John 20:31.

Have you met Jesus, At The Cross? EPHESIANS 2:16-22. You can know now (today) where you will spend eternity. 

Repent to God and those you have harmed, accept Jesus as Savior.

Write to us, partner with this ministry proclaiming the good news of the gospel. Jesus said to Simon Peter "do you love me?", three times. 

Peter answered all three times, "yes, Lord; you know I love you". 

Jesus said onto Peter "feed my sheep" (followers-believers). John 21; 15-17

Eternal salvation...

God makes so simple, a little child can understand yet the greatest scholars have not plumbed its depth.  

 Matthew 18:2-4 KJV/NKJV

To put anyone or anything before Jesus Christ and him crucified one commits spiritual adultery.  

 Mark 12:30 KJV/NKJV

Without obedient faith it is impossible to please God.  

 Hebrews 11:6 John 14:15 KJV/NKJV

Only obedient faith that endures to the end (of earthly life) secures eternal salvation.  

Matthew 24:13 KJV/NKJV

Born Again Christian Believer, Minister/Salvation Army, Senior Soldier, Shriner

Raymen A. Starkka

Spiritual Heart to God, Helpful Hands to humankind and creatures

Natural Mind = Lives (Walks by Sight Only)

(Original, Sin Nature)

Carnal Mind = Lives (Self Serving Form of Godliness)

(Religious, Hypocritical Nature)

Spiritual Mind = Lives (Walks by Faith in God)

(Born Again, Surrendered-Committed Nature)

Message of New Testament: The Cross of Christ 

Love one another Forgive one another = John 13:34 KJV/NKJV

Bear one another's Burdens = Galations 6:2 KJV/NKJV

God's Precious Peace = Phillipians 4:7 Isaiah 26:3 KJV/NKJV

Raymen A. Starkka, BACB

Born Again Christian Believer Minister

Come, Let Us Reason (Isaiah 1:18) and Minister (2 Corinthians 3: 6) Together.

Born Again Christian Believer Ministry

14439 W. Summerstar Dr.

Sun City West, AZ 85375

Mindset Determines Eternity.
Mindset; How one thinks and believes therefore acts out in daily living and ultimately into eternity.

My Book "SINS of Human Rights Abuse and Corruption" is now published and available online through, Barnes&,, Google Search, AOL Search, Etc. Now available in fine bookstores all across America and all over the world. Ask for the book if not in stock - they will order! 
Publisher's Press Release

Xulon Title Attempts to 
Reverse a Culture of Abuse in Society

Starkka cleverly exposes public abuse and corruption within religion and HOAs
MAITLAND, FL – Raymen Starkka’s new book, SINS of Human Rights Abuse and Corruption, ($13.99, paperback, 9781498419796; $24.99, hardcover, 9781498428743; $6.99, e-book, 9781498428750) serves to inform the public of abuse and corruption within homeowners’ associations, as well as in religion, with positive ways to change this abusive culture. The author pens an invaluable guide, which speaks to issues that would not have been otherwise addressed in the book market. Raymen’s hope is that his book will give every reader a desire to fight against evil and fight for good in HOAs, churches, business, and any association.
“My book—while exposing abuse and corruption—is not a negative book, but rather a book of hope and spiritual inspiration,” states the author. “I am a born-again Christian human rights activist, and an advocate for homeowner’s association’s (HOA’s) rights.”

Raymen Starkka is a born-again believer who has become a whistle-blower on organizations, religious leaders, and associations (like homeowner’s associations) who abuse their members. Raymen is not a religious man and believes that God hates religion. He cites Revelation 3:15-16 as a supporting Bible passage for these beliefs. Raymen is a man of faith, in the Scriptures of God (Creator), Jesus Christ (Savior), and the Holy Spirit (Comforter/Guide/Peace).

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order SINS of Human Rights Abuse and Corruption through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through Xulon Press, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

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